Thematic Networks

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Thematic Networks

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PerforME (Performative Music Education)

Performe PerforME is the first stable network of inter-university cooperation within the framework of the European Union focused on the field of Music Education.

It is coordinated by the University of Granada and so far there are five other European institutions representing the south, centre and east of the continent : Berlin University of the Arts (Germany ) , Mozarteum University of Salzburg (Austria ), University of Presov (Slovakia), University of Rzeszowski (Poland ) and Polytechnic Institute of Porto ( Portugal).

Recent studies have highlighted the structural inequalities that are present both in the artistic and musical subjects in the different European systems as well as in university curricula that are on purpose focused on the initial and continuous training of Music teachers. This fact, together with an interest to overcome the ways of conceiving music education from elitist and exclusionary approaches, makes PerforME have the following objectives:

  • Create a forum for reflection and debate that addresses Music and Music Education in formal and non-formal contexts through unconventional approaches ( Performativity , Learning Communities, Gender Studies, Queer Theory, etc.).
  • Establish links between music education and the socio- cultural reality of the different populations in which it takes place.
    • Share experiences on curriculum design, reflect on new methodological models and evaluation methods in Music.
    • Promote research in areas of common interest related to Music and Music Education in the European Union.
    • Promote the creation and implementation of programs and joint degrees in the field of Music Education.

Coordinator of the Network: Prof. Dr. José A. Rodríguez-Quiles y García (

Web page: (under construction)


steps-eupen The 'Stakeholders Tune European Physics Studies' (STEPS) initiative by the 'European Physics Education Network' (EUPEN) is a Thematic Network (TN) Project, funded in the frame of the SOCRATES programme by the E.C.'s Directorate General, Education and Culture (DG EAC).

STEPS has 161 physics departments from 37 countries as 'partners' and 10 regional, national or european associations as 'associated partners'. Its main objectives are to enhance the training of physicists, to help university physics departments to adapt to the changes required by the Bologna Process to encourage school pupils to take an interest in physics. In order to openly discuss such issues it organises an annual forum.


  • Annual forum in order to discuss subjects which the network concern

HOPE: Horizons in Physics Education

Hope The academic network Horizons of Physics Education [HOPE] was launched in October 2013. This three-year project is supported by the Life Long Learning Programme of the European Union. It is the 6th thematic network in physics education in a series of networks beginning in 1995 with European Physics Education Network [EUPEN].

HOPE’s ultimate goal is to enhance the impact of physics on the European economy and its visibility and consequence in society in general. HOPE is the de facto successor to EUPEN (established 1995) and the subsequent Stake Holders Tune European Physics Studies [STEPS] (2005-08) and STEPS TWO (2008-11) projects. Among other activities, these investigated new teaching methods and student centred learning, graduate skills sought by industry, physics teacher training and their low numbers in some countries, and novel degree courses.

The new project is designed to capitalise on the previous success and will concentrate on the heart of the problem - the physics student - via inspiration in schools, recruitment to university and competences for employment.

  • Contact person at the UGR: Fernando Cornet (


cascade CASCADE Network of Excellence is EU-funded and coordinates 24 European centres who do research into chemical contaminants in food and their effects on the health of human beings.


polymnia2 POLYMNIA is an International research programme that brings together researchers from different fields (history, literature and ancient philosophy, philology, history of religions, art history and theory, history of sciences, anthropology, etc). Founded in 2001, this programme studies and disseminates ancient and modern mythographic texts dating from ancient times up to the end of the 17th century.

Terra Madre

terra_madre The Terra Madre network is formed by all those who wish to participate in preserving, encouraging and promoting sustainable methods of food production, in harmony with nature, the country side and tradition. In its work the Terra Madre communities materialize the concept of quality according to Slow Food: good, clean and fair, where good means quality and taste of food, clean means production methods that respect the environment and fair means the dignity and the fair wages for the producers and the right price charged to consumers. 250 universities and research centres, with over 450 scholars throughout the world, form the Terra Madre network.


ReDeTIR The Network for Territorial Development and Regional Integration is made up of Universities and Research Institutions from Europe and Latin America. Its objective is academic excellence through the training of doctors that are experts in territorial and regional developments and top level professionals for development bodies and institutions. The network also aims to create a mechanism for updating human resources and encouraging the combined development of training and research activities, so as to turn the network into an internationally recognised hub of excellence in the field of territorial development and regional integration.


FEMISE: Forum Euroméditerranéen des Instituts de Sciences Économiques


FEMISE, Forum Euroméditerranéen des Instituts de Sciences Économiques (the Euro-Mediterranean Forum of Institutes of Economic Sciences), is a Euromed network established in June 2005 as an NGO (under the French Law of 1901), following 8 years of activities. The network gathers more than 90 members of economic research institutes, representing the 37 partners of the Barcelona Process. FEMISE is coordinated by the Economic Research Forum (ERF), Egypt and Institut de la Méditerranée (IM), France.


The General Objective is to reinforce dialogue between stakeholders and conduct research on priority EuroMed issues.

The Specific Objectives are:

  1. To conduct policy research and make recommendations with respect to economic relations between Europe and its Mediterranean partners;
  2. To communicate and disseminate this research for the benefit of public and private, national and multilateral institutions and;
  3. To provide a platform that promotes dialogues between different partners on issues that matter for the region.


FEMISE carries out a large number of activities that include, but are not limited to:

  1. Conducting research on issues related to the Euromed partnership, neighbourhood policy and the Union for the Mediterranean
  2. Providing platforms for policy dialogues to discuss and debate among stakholders issues of relevance to the EuroMed region
  3. Disseminating the results of this research through conferences, workshops, publishing research papers and newsletters

Association of Institutions for Feminist Education and Research in Europe (AOIFE)

AOIFE1 AOIFE stands for the Association of Institutions for Feminist Education and Research in Europe. This European association for Women's Studies is based on institutional membership. Its structure links institutions dedicated to initiating and supporting feminist education and research in Europe.

AOIFE is a forum for collectively addressing and acting on issues concerning Women's Studies by means of co-operation and networking and a platform from which to submit carefully drafted applications for funding from the EU and other international organisations. AOIFE2

Red de Cooperación de Las Rutas del Emperador Carlos V

El 25 de Abril de 2007, se crea en Medina de Pomar (Burgos-España), la Red de Cooperación de las Rutas del Emperador Carlos V, con el objetivo de la defensa y promoción de los recursos turísticos, históricos-culturales y económicos de las Rutas Europeas de Carlos V. Actualmente aglutina a más de 80 ciudades y sitios históricos, a lo largo y ancho de los itinerarios recorridos por Carlos de Habsburgo, entre 1517 y1557.

La Red viene desarrollando -desde 2007- una amplia labor en la construcción de un vasto programa cultural y turístico en torno a la figura y la obra de Carlos de Habsburgo.

El día 27 de Septiembre de 2013, la Red de Cooperación de las Rutas Europeas del Emperador Carlos V (RCCV) presentaba en el Instituto Europeo de los Itinerarios Culturales su candidatura a la mención de Itinerario Cultural del Consejo de Europa.

En Mayo de 2015, la Red de Cooperación es declarada Itinerario Cultural del Consejo de Europa.