5th International Staff Training Week at Justus Liebig University Giessen (Germany) from 1st to the 5th of July 2013

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5th International Staff Training Week at Justus Liebig University Giessen (Germany) from 1st to the 5th of July 2013


5th International Staff Training Week at Justus Liebig University Giessen from 01st to the 05th of July 2013

This year there will be a focus on bilateral and EU cooperation and mobility with the United States of America.

The week-long programme will provide an excellent opportunity to learn from each other’s experiences, exchange best practice examples and share different perspectives.

We will examine ways of promoting and administrating student and staff mobility as well as undertaking an intercultural approach with regards to challenges in dealing with mobility. A daily German crash course as well as exciting excursions will compliment the programme. Of course there will be enough time to meet with colleagues and students interested in visiting your university.

Please find attached the programme. For registration until 30th of April please go to http://www.uni-giessen.de/cms/internationales/erasmus/st where you will find further information on Giessen, the environs and possible accommodation.

Contact details:
Julia-Sophie Rothmann
Stellv. Leiterin / ERASMUS-Hochschulkoordinatorin
Akademisches Auslandsamt
Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen
Goethestrasse 58, Raum 105
35390 Gießen
Tel.: 0641/99-12131
Fax: 0641/99-12139