iDA-Summer School for European Higher Education Administrators

University of Granada | Vice-Rectorate for Internationalization | e- administration |


iDA-Summer School for European Higher Education Administrators


iDA-Summer School for European Higher Education Administrators

Speak better German, learn more about the German higher education system and also network with colleagues from Germany and other countries: these are the aims of our summer language course for staff from international offices from European universities.

The language course is compiled and led by interDaF at Herder Institute of Leipzig University.

The focus of the course will be themes related to higher education, e.g. student mobility, research cooperation, tuition fees, EU programs and guest lectureships. The language course is complemented with a program of lectures and visits in Leipzig and in Berlin.

The workshop will be held in German and is designed for staff from European universities with a good to very good level of German (B2 or better). The course ist not appropriate for those with a beginner's knowledge.

You can find the preliminary programme and online registration form on our website: