International Relations Office Staff Week in 10 – 14 June, 2013 at University of Graz (Austria)

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International Relations Office Staff Week in 10 – 14 June, 2013 at University of Graz (Austria)


The Office of International Relations of the University of Graz is happy to invite you to the next International Relations Office Staff Week in 10 – 14 June, 2013.

The program will focus on the topic of Mobility and Internationalization at Home (I@H) giving a special focus on ERASMUS Mundus Action 2 exchanges. The week aims at gaining new information, looking at different projects, exchanging experience, best practice procedures and good ideas in this field. Apart from that we hope to strengthen existing cooperation and explore new collaboration options in the future.
Who should participate? The program addresses staff working with mobility programs and internationalization strategies, either at central level or at faculties and departments. Apart from general information about the University of Graz we will offer information sessions, round table discussions and workshops focusing on how to improve mobility and make our universities more international.

Please find attached the invitation letter, the preliminary program and the application form. Application deadline: March 15, 2013. University of Graz will be able to confirm your participation by end of March 2013.

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Contact details:
Mag. Diana Afrashteh, MA
Erasmus Institutional Coordinator
Buero fuer Internationale Beziehungen / Office of International Relations
Universitaet Graz
Mailing address: Universitätsplatz 3
Visiting address: Strassoldogasse 10/P
8010 Graz/Austria
Ph: +43-316-380-1247; Fax +43-316-380-9155 & +43-316-380-9156 ;

Recordamos que estas actividades son susceptibles de ser financiadas en el marco de la Modalidad C de las ayudas de movilidad del PAS, destinadas a la asistencia a jornadas, seminarios, etc. previa invitación de la institución organizadora. Más información sobre Movilidad del PAS de la UGR aquí.

Se pueden consultar otros destinos posibles para la Modalidad C en este enlace