Becas para estudiantes de grado, máster, posgrado, personal académico y administrativo para universidades en Balcanes Occidentales - Erasmus Mundus A2 "JOIN EU-SEE"

University of Granada | Vice-Rectorate for Internationalization | e- administration |


Becas para estudiantes de grado, máster, posgrado, personal académico y administrativo para universidades en Balcanes Occidentales - Erasmus Mundus A2 "JOIN EU-SEE"


JoinEU-SEE programme - Scholarships for students (undergraduate, master, doctoral and post-doctoral) and for staff (academic and administrative)

The scholarships for undergraduate, master, doctoral and post-doctoral students and staff are financed by the European Commission. The scholarship will cover travel, insurance, tuition fees and subsistence allowance.

The JoinEU-SEE programme thus contributes to the sustainable development of third countries in the field of higher education in accordance with the external policy objectives of the European Union. JoinEU-SEE supports mobility at all level of higher education, including both mobility for students (undergraduate, master, doctoral and post-doctoral) and for staff (academic and administrative).

  • The next JoinEU-SEE call for applications will launch on November 8th, 2011 at 00:01h and close on February 1st, 2012 at 23:59h.

Further information is available at: