MED Programme - Targeted call for project proposals on innovation/energy

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MED Programme - Targeted call for project proposals on innovation/energy


The MED Programme is an EU transnational cooperation programme among the “Territorial Cooperation objective” of the EU Cohesion Policy.

Partners from 13 countries including the whole Northern Mediterranean seacoast are working together to strengthen the competitiveness, employment and sustainable development of this area. The transnational setup allows the programme to tackle territorial challenges beyond national boundaries, such as environmental risk management, international business or transport corridors.

So far 104 projects are running under the MED Programme co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) up to a rate of 85%. Until exhaustion of its ERDF envelope with 193M €, the programme will approve additional projects.

Targeted call on 'Innovation for renewable energy and energy efficiency solutions in Mediterranean regions and cities' - focused on the programme priorities 1 and 2 (Innovation and Environment) is open NOW.

  • AXIS 1 of the MED Programme: “Strengthening innovation capacities”, including the promotion of innovative technologies, know-how (objective 1.1.) as well as the strengthening of strategic cooperation between economic development actors and public authorities (objective 1.2.). Projects will have to make proposals to strengthen the position of SMEs in the energy sector in Mediterranean regions and to increase their potential at transnational level.
  • AXIS 2 of the MED Programme: “Protection of the environment and promotion of a sustainable territorial development” and especially the Promotion of renewable energies and improvement of energy efficiency (objective 2.2.). The focus will be on the promotion of innovative renewable energy or/and energy efficiency solutions for smart Mediterranean cities, especially by taking into account the success and failures of on-going initiatives (écoquartiers, smart cities initiatives…). These difficulties may relate to poor performance in term of efficiency or economy of energy, lack of skills and knowledge, excessive costs, etc.). The objective will be to promote strategies, planning and measures ensuring that innovative solutions are implemented and used in the best cost-efficient way.
  • Deadline: April 12, 2012.