Online Summer School 2020 IES University of Tübingen in cooperation with Oregon State University (OSU) July 13 –August 07, 2020

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Online Summer School 2020 IES University of Tübingen in cooperation with Oregon State University (OSU) July 13 –August 07, 2020


Nos hacemos eco de la escuela de verano virtual organizada por IES University of Tübingen, universidad socia de la UGR, en cooperación con la Oregon State University. Este año, con la particularidad de que la inscripción es gratuita.

Podéis encontrar más detalles a continuación:


Online Summer School:

“Divided in Diversity” - The European Union in Crisis?

July 13 - August 7, 2020

Application deadline:

May 31, 2020

Academic Program:

The online summer school provides an overview of the historical, cultural and political framework of European integration, and addresses some of the current challenges Europe and the EU face today: Brexit, immigration, political fragmentation and radicalization, the EU's democratic deficit and foreign policy challenges. Furthermore, class sessions will introduce participants to the history and trajectory of human rights in Europe questions of collective (national) identity and how it is shaped by current developments.

The program is jointly organized by Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen and Oregon State University (OSU) and conducted by three different teachers: Jan Battke from Tübingen University, Dr. Allison Davis White-Eyes and Dr. Philipp Kneis, both from OSU.


Undergraduate students of humanities, social sciences, law and economics
Participants must be enrolled as students
Very good command of English

Further information:


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