Scholarship oppotunities at TOHOKU University, JAPAN: Degree Program in Science.

Universidad de Granada | Vicerrectorado de Internacionalización | Administración electrónica |


Scholarship oppotunities at TOHOKU University, JAPAN: Degree Program in Science.


IGPAS, International Graduate Program for Advanced Science, 2019, is now accepting application!

  • Online Pre-application: 16th of November.
  • Applications deadlines: 30th of November.

IGPAS is a degree program in English for international students who wish to pursue Master of Science and/or Doctor of Science degrees in Mathematics, Physics, Astronomy, Geophysics, Chemistry, or Earth Science.

It offers
- 8 Japanese Government scholarship opportunities;
- 6 for Master’s students;
- 2 for Doctoral students

Please visit the website for more information.


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