Exceptional measures to assess students on international mobility programmes

Universidad de Granada | Vicerrectorado de Internacionalización | Administración electrónica |


Exceptional measures to assess students on international mobility programmes


Full title: Resolution of 23 April 2020by the Rector of the University of Granadaestablishing exceptional measures to assess students on international mobility programmes and international students on full degrees.

The State of Alarm declared in Spain by Royal Decree 463/2020 on 14 March 2020 has entailed the suspension of all face-to-face, on-campus teaching activities andthe continuing of educational provision in distance and online modes. In the light of the extension of the State of Alarm declared by Royal Decree 476/2020 of 27 March and Royal Decree 487/2020 of 10 April, the Rectors of the Andalusian Association ofPublic Universities (AUPA) and the Regional Ministry of Economy, Knowledge, Enterprise and Universities (CECEU) of Andalusiareachedagreement on 2 April 2020, in whichthey decided to maintain off-campus teaching and learning for the remainder of the academic year 2019-20, also covering assessment, if the State of Alarm were to continue until the dates established for final assessment.

This agreement has in turn led to the drafting of a Contingency Plan at the UGR which lays down the specific procedures for off-campus teaching and learning and, where appropriate, off-campus assessment.The implementation of this Contingency Plan, which is exceptional and temporary in nature, requires regulations to be suspended in some cases, in favour of those established in the Plan, in other cases a change in the way in which regulations are normally applied or, in others, a flexible interpretation of existing regulations.

This Resolution has been approved in the context of the Contingency Planin order to guaranteethe effective right of international mobility students to the assessment of their learning. The Resolution is in accordance with Articles 8.1 e) and f), 26 and 33.6 of the UGR International Mobility Regulations and Articles 6.2, 8.2, 9 and 20 of the UGR Assessment Policy and Regulations. As a result of the exceptional circumstancesarising throughout the world due to the global health crisis, which have directly affected students on official mobility programmes, as well as international students enrolled on full degree programmes at the University of Granada, the Rector of the University of Granada has established the following measures:

One. Thescope of application of Articles 8.1 e) and f), 26 and 33.6 of the UGR International Mobility Regulations, and Articles 6.2, 8.2, 9 and 20 of the UGR Assessment Policy and Regulations, which regulate the exceptional circumstances regarding the assessment of learning for students on international mobility programmes, will be extended. These Articles must nowbe applied to all exceptional circumstancesin the area ofassessment that may arise in ordinary or extraordinary examination sessions (convocatoriasordinarias y extraordinarias) held in the second semester of the 2019-20 academic year, both for outgoing and incoming students.

Two. These exceptional measuresshallalso be applied to students enrolled on full degree programmes — both national students and residents abroad — who have been forced to return to their country of usual residence due to the health crisis.

Three. These regulations will be applied in accordance with the guidelines indicated for each case by the Vice-Rectorate for Internationalization of the University of Granada.
