Design of a joint Master's Program in Sustainable Urban Mobility (MSUM)

Tipo de proyecto: KA2 Erasmus Mundus

Fechas: 01-10-2023    31-12-2024

Coordinación: Universidad del Azuay (Ecuador)




The design of the Master´s Program in Sustainable Urban Mobility, between European and Latin American universities, has as its main objective to shape the basis of a transnational, joint master´s program that crosses the axes: environmental, social and economic, with the fields of non-motorized and active mobility, public transport, the discouragement of the use of private cars, urban planning centred on proximity and liveability, and the fulfilment of mobility needs of the disadvantaged population. The program will deal with macro, meso and micro scale, and from a theoretical, practical and methodological approach.


Luis Miguel Valenzuela Montes (