European Degree Label Institutional Laboratory (EDLab)

Tipo de proyecto: Support for policy reform

Fechas:  01/03/2023   29/02/2024

Coordinación: Universidad de Granada (España)


Universidad Pompeu Fabra (España)
Universidad de Cádiz (España)
University of Minho (Portugal)
Nova University Lisbon (Portugal)
University of Algarve (Portugal)
University of Padua (Italia)
Ca' Foscari University of Venice (Italia)
University of Naples Parthenope (Italia)
University of Lyon 1 Claude Bernard (Francia)
Cergy Paris University (Francia)
University of Western Brittany (Francia)
Ghent University (Bélgica)


In line with the European Strategy for Universities and the Council Recommendation of 5th April 2022, and the missions of the four partner European University Alliances, this project aims to further the implementation of European and international joint degree programmes and the European Degree Label with special, but not exclusive, emphasis on four target countries facing obstacles of diverse nature: France, Italy, Portugal and Spain.