Building Resilient compulsory schools through an IntegrateD and EmpowerinG approach to wEll-being (BRIDGE)

Tipo de proyecto: KA2 Cooperation Partnership

Fechas: 1-9-2023    28-2-2026

Coordinación: Luleå kommun grundskola (Suecia)


Luleå University of Technology (Suecia)
Sweden Emilia Romagna Network (Italia)
Comprehensive School Leonardo Da Vinci (Italia)
Universidad de Granada (España)
Daugavpils Iespēju vidusskolā (Suecia)                   


The project aims to contribute to an increased quality of comschool education through the development of a whole-school approach to well-being.

Contacto en la UGR:

Palma Chillón Garzón (