European quality development system for inclusive education and teacher training (EQui-T)

Tipo de proyecto: KA2 Partnerships for Excellence

Fechas:15/06/2023    14/06/2026

Coordinación: University of Graz (Austria)


Universidad de Granada (España)
University of Padua (Italia)
Tallinn University (Estonia)
University of South-Eastern Norway (Noruega)
Pädagogische Hochschule Steiermark (Austria)
Private Pädagogische Hochschule Augustinum (Austria)


EQui-T aims to enhance high quality teaching in an inclusive European context by enabling teacher trainers and pre- and in-service teachers to identify, create and share high-quality inclusive teaching materials in the form of open inclusive educational resources (OIER) and by promoting transnational collaboration and exchange of good practices.

Contacto en la UGR:

Catalina Jiménez Hurtado (