European Universities United for Values and Diversity (EUNIVERSE)

Tipo de proyecto: KA2 Cooperation Partnership

Fechas: 1-10-2023    30-9-2024

Coordinación: University of Poitiers (Francia)


University of Cologne (Alemania)
University of Pavia (Italia)
Universidad de Granada (España)
Jagiellonian University (Polonia)
ESN International (Bélgica)
University of Utrecht (Países Bajos)
Coimbra Group (Bélgica)


The aim of this project is to improve the institutional environment for incoming and outgoing mobility, actively contribute to the establishment of conditions favorable to the inclusion, perseverance and success of international students and facilitate the appropriation and the implementation of good practices through exchanges between mobility stakeholders, including students.

Contacto en la UGR:

Ozana Olariu (