Online Application Procedure Erasmus Students IN

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Online Application Procedure Erasmus Students IN

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Who is an Erasmus Student?

An Erasmus student is a student who comes to the UGR to study with us during one semester or a whole academic year within a bilateral agreement between the faculty / school of his/her home university and the faculty / school of the University of Granada.

In order to be an Erasmus at the UGR, the person in charge of the International Relations at the home university has to send a nomination of the students selected to take part in the Erasmus exchange programme to the Erasmus coordinator of the corresponding faculty / school at the UGR.

About the Spanish language knowledge

For undergraduate students (Erasmus, exchange/bilateral agreements and free mobility programmes) it is highly recommended to have a B1 level of Spanish according to this table. In some Erasmus agreements such us the Faculty of Arts and the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting it is established as mandatory. For more information, please contact the corresponding faculty:

For Erasmus+ master students it is mandatory to hold an official language proficiency certificate in the language indicated in the interinstitutional agreement according to the following table table. This certification is required for admission to Master's studies.

Information and Dates:

Erasmus incoming for next academic year

For first semester or full academic year:

  • From 1st April to 10th May: Online application and study plan proposal. Extended until 20th May.
  • From 9th July on: Sending of acceptance e-mails

For second semester:

  • From 1st to 31st October: Online application and study plan proposal
  • From 13th December on: Sending of acceptance e-mails

Note: The final approval of courses is subject to the availability of places at the courses once you register and enrol at the University of Granada at the beginning of the semester.

  • Should you have any question about the new application procedure, please contact:

Important information for Master´s degree mobility applicants: Please bear in mind that the courses listed on the online application portal are the only ones offered in the master’s degree to which you have applied. You must check the master’s degree website to ensure the teaching periods for each of the courses that you wish to enrol on correspond with your mobility period at the UGR. For academic queries related to master’s degrees courses, please contact directly with the master coordinator or academic issues regarding UGR doctoral programmes, contact with the director of the program. For administrative procedures, please contact the International School for Postgraduate Studies at

Online application and Instructions

Required documents for the online application:

  2. Official Spanish Language Proficiency Certificate (Level B1 recommended according to this table)
  3. Other documents (Optional)
  4. Students must ensure that they are correctly nominated by their home university to the University of Granada. Nominations should be sent to the Erasmus coordinator of the corresponding faculty / school at the UGR.
  2. Official Language Proficiency Certificate in the language indicated in the interinstitutional agreement according to this table.
  3. Learning agreement
  4. Nominations should be sent via email to the International School for Postgraduate Studies, (Students must ensure that they are correctly nominated by their home univeristy to the University of Granada).
  2. Research Plan (signed by all parties: student, tutor and coordinator)
  3. Learning agreement

Partner universities should send their nominations to

Students must ensure that they are correctly nominated by their home university to the University of Granada.