International Summer Program 2013 of the University of Vienna

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International Summer Program 2013 of the University of Vienna


International Summer Program 2013 of the University of Vienna. The four week program offers high level European Studies courses in the morning and German language courses in the afternoon.

The European Studies courses are held in English and focus on Europe and the European Union. They cover political, economic and legal, but also historical and cultural aspects of the multiple transformations the continent is currently undergoing.

The program thus offers a concise and up to date introduction to recent developments in Europe which will provide students from different fields of study with additional key qualifications for their future professional work.

The unique Strobl experience is enhanced by an extensive extracurricular program such as sports courses (windsurfing), mountain hiking, and excursions to Salzburg, St. Wolfgang and Ebensee Concentration Camp Memorial.

The campus life creates an environment which encourages intercultural and social exchange and favours mutual understanding within the international student population. Participants thus broaden their horizon, meet colleagues from different fields of study, make friends for life and build connections for their future professional careers. The alumni network of former Sommerhochschule participants enables students to stay in touch even long after their stay in Strobl.

Attached you will find a PDF-version of the brochure.

Contact person:
Mag. Nina Gruber
Program Coordinator
Innovationszentrum Universität Wien GmbH - Sommerhochschule
Campus of the University of Vienna
Alser Straße 4/Hof 1/Tuer 1.16
1090 Vienna, Austria
Phone: +43-1-42 77-24 131
Fax.: +43-1-42 77-92 41

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