Technical university of Liberec - International Staff Week - 7–11 April 2014

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Technical university of Liberec - International Staff Week - 7–11 April 2014


Technical university of Liberec - International Staff Week - 7–11 April 2014

Technical university of Liberec organizes its first International Staff Week on 7–11 April 2014 at the Technical University of Liberec.

The program is planned for teachers, International Relations Officers and administrators as an opportunity both for meeting up with Czech students, and for having discussions about your fields of work and about other kind of cooperation possibilities, in addition to networking with international colleagues and visiting our university and town.

Since it is essential to learn from and about the different ways services are organized in different institutions, participants are requested to make a short presentation on their home institution and its support services. So we are inviting you to give a brief presentation about your job and institution in a short workshop.

You can find inspiration for your lecture by choosing from one of the topics listed below:

  • High school education in own country
  • Erasmus+ programme mobilities – possibilities, experience
  • Double degree programmes for EU students and participation of students outside EU
  • Organisation of teaching mobilities – possibilities, experience.

We would like to discuss study mobility possibilities and to present experiences in several areas of the Erasmus programme.

Costs: There are no participation fees. Participants are expected to cover their own travel expences through the Erasmus staff exchange programme or otherwise.

The accommodation and catering are provided by the organizer in the university hotel and canteen. If you would prefer a different way of catering or accommodation, we ask that you for pay for them at your own expense.

You can find the Invitation and Application form in the attachment of this e-mail.

If you would like to attend our International Staff Week, then please submit your Enrolment form (in the attachment) by 15th January.

Contact details
Ing. Katerina Feckanicova
Technical Univerity of Liberec
Faculty of Economics
Department of External Relations
tel.: +420 485 352 441

Recordamos que estas actividades son susceptibles de ser financiadas en el marco de la Modalidad C de las ayudas de movilidad del PAS, destinadas a la asistencia a jornadas, seminarios, etc. previa invitación de la institución organizadora.

Más información sobre otros destinos de la Modalidad C aquí.

Más información sobre la Convocatoria de la Movilidad del PAS aquí

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