Language courses

University of Granada | Vice-Rectorate for Internationalization | e- administration |


Language courses

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During your stay at the University of Granada it is possible to learn and improve your Spanish, as well as other languages, thanks to UGR's wide range of lingustic initiatives.

Language courses and initiatives for the lingustic promotion at the university of Granada

  • Centro de Lenguas Modernas:

The University Modern Language Centre, Centro de Lenguas Modernas, located in the central and typically “granadino” district of the “Realejo”, is housed in the old palace of Santa Cruz (16th century) which has been specially restored for teaching purposes. Since restoration was completed in 1992, the new Centro de Lenguas Modernas offers not only its now renowned Spanish Courses for Foreigners (Hispanic Studies Course (CEH), Spanish Language and Culture Course (CLCE), Intensive Spanish Language Courses (CILE), Intensive Spanish Language and Culture Course (CILYC), Spanish as Foreign Language Course (CELE) and Optional January Course (CCE)) but also a variety of Modern Language Courses (English, French, Italian, German, Catalan, Arabic, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian and Swedish). It is the combination of the two that make the centre such an original venture; here foreign students can share their daily lives with those of Spanish students, thus stimulating a mutual interest in their different languages and cultures. This contact is strengthened through a language exchange service, which gives students the opportunity to practice their Spanish outside the classroom, and by cultural visits and activities.

  • Confucius Institute:

The Confucius Institute of the University of Granada (ICUGR) is a non-profit making organization created thanks to the collaboration between the University of Granada (UGR) and the University of Beijing (北京大学) . Settled up under the agreement with (Hanban) (Office of Chinese Language Council International) which main aim is to promote the Chinese language and culture education and to develop, in our city and in every scope of this University, those activities related to the Chinese culture throughout language courses divided in different levels, arrange film seasons, seminars, Chinese conference series, workshops, etc.

  • Centro ruso Russkiy Mir:

The Russian Center of the University of Granada is a non-profit institution, created thanks to the collaboration between the University of Granada and the “Russkiy Mir” Foundation. Among its priority objectives, we can highlight:

1. Providing access to bibliographic and audiovisual resources about Russian language and culture.

2. Teaching programs and courses of Russian language and culture, as well as specialized outreach activities.

3. Promoting and organizing artistic and creative actions.

4. Strengthening cultural, scientific and informative exchanges between institutions and centers.

5. Promoting the study and research in areas related to Russian language and cutlure.

Online lingustic resources