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  • Programa:Erasmus+
  • Acción: Jean Monet
  • Fechas: 1/10/19 1/10/22
  • Coordinación: Universidad de Granada (España)
  • Descripción:

This proposal aims to progress in the establishment of common principles for integration of people who are looking for protection in the European Union, especially refugees and asylum-seekers, and to contribute to the dissemination of these principles to society and public and private actors from the field of high education. Integration is fundamental to wider societal cohesion and it is easy to perceive the difficulties and barriers that such displaced people are facing in many Member States, especially since the great migratory crisis of 2015-2016 occurred, which, in addition, has put in to question the Common European Asylum System.

These problems are widespread, persistent and likely to be exacerbated if not addressed immediately and with long-term, structured approach. To this end, the concerted participation of public authorities, social institutions and humanitarian organizations is required. There are a number of structures and actors in place to support the reception and integration of migrants, including refugees and asylum seekers. However, it is appreciated the lack of preparedness to receive and integrate this mass of people.

According to this the proposal aims to highlight the fundamental role that the university education can play in this matter, contributing to the implementation of the guidelines designed by the European Commission. Not in vain, the EU, despite limits to its legislative competence, has a key role to play, as demonstrated in the development of the European Commission´s Action Plan on Integration and in the current discussions about the restructuring of EU funding for integration. So, the new European Commission arising from the elections to the European Parliament in 2019 will have to extend the future EU actions on integration, taking into account its experience and the current proposals under discussion. All the social sectors involved should contribute shaping a European integration policy, led by the European institutions.