Enhancing Institutional Capacities and Researchers’ Competence for Policy Engagement for Green and Digital Transition (ENGAGEgreen)

Tipo de proyecto: KA2 Cooperation Partnership

Fechas: 1-10-2023    31-3-2026

Coordinación:  Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt (Alemania)


Palacký University Olomouc (República Checa)
Universidad de Granada (España)
Balmes University Foundation (España)
Ca' Foscari University of Venice (Italia)
Lumière University Lyon 2 (Francia)                  


ENGAGEgreen seeks to enhance researchers’ knowledge, skills, and competencies for policy engagement, thereby supporting effective knowledge transfer for evidence-informed policy-making in the areas of environment, fight against climate change, and digital transformation. 

Contacto en la UGR:

Esteban Romero Frías (erf@ugr.es)