Clone of Augmented Reality for Stone Cladding Safe Assembling Operation (ARSC)

Action: KA2 Strategic Partnership

Dates: 1-11-19    31-10-21

Coordination:  Korporacja Radex (Poland)


Polskie Stowarzyszenie Menedzerów Budownictwa (Poland)
Universitat de Valencia (Spain)
Politechnika Warszawska (Poland)
Universidad de Granada (Spain)
Technische Universitat Darmstadt (Germany)                  


The ARSC - Augmented Reality for Stone Cladding Safe Assembling Operation stems from the need of prevention of accidents on construction sites. Falls from height are the most common causes of serious accidents, often fatal, not only in Poland but throughout Europe. There is a great need of increasing Health & Safety level. The objective of the project is to decrease accident rate during construction of tall buildings, especially during stone cladding works. To achieve that goal training system containing manual and Augmented Reality (AR) software will be prepared. It will help fitters and engineers to access all needed information on H&S and gain knowledge on stone cladding technology.
Modern training system will use Augmented Reality, which is being constantly improved by most influential companies all over the world. Being used, among others, in trainings for pilots, F1 drivers and military personnel, it is safe to say, that AR is the future of high-quality work-based VET.
Project will satisfy the assumptions of European Directive 2001/45/EC and Directive 89/391/EEC.
The target group and potential beneficiaries of the project are: construction engineers, students and construction workers, SMEs, and technical universities.
Project is expected to enhance modernisation and reinforce education and training systems in response to the main challenges of today's world (employment, economic stability and growth, as well as active participation in democratic life and free labour market).
Foreseen manual, training system and augmented reality software will contain best practices from different European countries in the field of stone cladding assembly and series of exercises for users.
Results of the ARSC Project, prepared on the basis of experience of international Partnership will strengthen possibility of construction staff mobility across EU.
It will also help them to act in the multicultural environment - relevant to the construction site and multicultural global construction companies. Project will strengthen cooperation between industry and education sector. ARSC will promote access to and learning through Open Educational Resources (OER), as the results of the project will be available for all interested parties on the internet and online libraries.
Expected project duration is 2 years, but its results will be available for beneficiaries after the end of the project.
Partnership consists of Valencia University (UV), whose team has extensive experience in the field of AR technology, RADEX company, which has broad knowledge and experience in construction, especially in cladding works.
Three universities:
– Darmstadt University (DARM),
– Warsaw University of Technology (WUT)
– and University Granada (UGR)
will provide theoretical and didactical support.
Polish Association of Building Managers (PABM), through its contacts with other associations and foundations will be responsible for dissemination and evaluation at the highest European level.
Dissemination strategy will assure free access to project information and results for all beneficiaries by: publications in construction papers and magazines in Poland, Germany, Spain and other EU countries, conferences showing results of the project, meetings with industry representatives, participation of Partners in construction and managerial conferences, leaflets and brochures, project website, EPALE and Erasmus+ projects results platform based profiles, contact with other EU countries for potential use of the project results.