International Welcome Centre

foto oficina IWC

The International Welcome Centre (IWC) is among a handful of its kind in Spain and Europe, catering directly to the needs of international doctoral candidates, postdocs, researchers, and visiting staff — before, during, and after their mobility period at the University of Granada (UGR). At the IWC we provide you with information and targeted assistance in all non-academic matters that are important during your time at the UGR. We thereby enable you to make the most of your academic life and research, while at the same time facilitating your integration in Granada. 


The IWC provides essential information and assistance in a wide range of areas, including visa applications, residence permits, funding opportunities, accommodation, schooling and education options for family members, as well as UGR facilities of all kinds. As a EURAXESS Local Contact point, the IWC will also provide you with information on career opportunities, legal issues, tax and social security, healthcare and family support.

At the IWC we provide services in English, Spanish and French (and, if necessary, in a wide range of other languages via the University’s International Relations Office).

What areas can we help you with?

  • Visa applications and residence permits

  • Accommodation options 

  • Banking

  • Childcare and family issues

  • Work permits

  • Healthcare and insurance

  • Social security and welfare

  • Labour regulations and legislation

  • Funding opportunities

  • Taxes

  • Wi-Fi access

  • University cards and credentials

  • Intellectual property

  • Official recognition of qualifications obtained at foreign institutions

  • Professional development and entrepreneurship initiatives

  • Information on living Granada (cost of living, local customs, accessibility, etc.)


  • International doctoral candidates

  • International researchers

  • International academic staff

  • International postdocs


Our Guide for International Researchers is designed to help you and your family with the process of relocating to Granada and developing your career at the UGR. It also covers relevant administrative procedures and UGR services.

If you require support before your arrival to Granada please email or call us. If you wish to make an appointment at our Centre following your arrival please arrange one with us in advance.

International Welcome Centre, Centro de Transferencia Tecnológica (CTT), Edificio Florentino García Santos, Universidad de Granada, Gran Vía de Colón, 48. Granada 18071

Call us at: +34 958 249040


location welcome centre

The UGR’s International Welcome Centre is a local contact point of the EURAXESS Service Network. Launched in 2004 by the European Commission, EURAXESS - Researchers in Motion, is a unique, pan-European initiative providing those who wish to pursue research careers in Europe with access to a comprehensive range of support and information services. The IWC, as the EURAXESS local contact point, gives researchers the opportunity to further their personal development and professional careers, offering guidance on career opportunities in Europe, the rights and legal obligations of researchers and their employers, tax and social security issues, as well as advice on healthcare and family support.

There are currently over 500 EURAXESS local contact points throughout the world, over 100 of which are found in Spain. The Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) coordinates the regional contact points in Spain. The regional institution that represents EURAXESS in Andalusia is the Andalusian Knowledge Agency (AAC), with headquarters in Seville.

Spain’s national EURAXESS portal:

More information on


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