Tipo de proyecto: KA2 Cooperation Partnership
Fechas: 1-1-24 31-12-25
Coordinación: European Volunteer Centre (Bélgica)
Out of the Box (Portugal)
Croatian Volunteer Development Centre (Croacia)
Platform of volunteer centres and organizations (Eslovaquia)
Vitautas Magnus University (Lituania)
Universidad de Granada (España)
PRONI Center for Youth Development (Bosnia y Herzegovina).
The objectives are: develop a suitable upscaled methodology for delivering service learning programmes in primary schools; Create and put in place the user-friendly online platform to train the primary school teachers; Train and develop the capacity of primary school teachers to deliver quality service learning in primary schools; Develop links between schools and civil society in order to better meet community needs; Ensure the sustainability of project results by developing the community of practitioners in order to promote the use of the the methodology and the importance of service learning for social inclusion, civic engagement, resilience, prosperity and sustainability.
Contacto en la UGR:
Mirian Hervás Torres (miriamhervas@ugr.es)
Newsletter July 2024 (pdf in English).
Boletín julio 2024 (pdf en español).
17/09/2024_La Universidad de Granada tiene el placer de invitar a la comunidad y especialmente al alumnado de Educación Primaria a ampliar su formación docente asistiendo a la presentación del Proyecto Europeo "Service Learning in Primary Schools - SLIPS - a través de google meet.
Turno de mañana: 10:30 a 11.30h.
Turno de tarde: 17.00h a 18.00h.
Enlace: htts://meet.google.com/syo-jtfn-knb
Para más información: https://www.europeanvolunteercentre.org/slips