Coimbra Group Task Force on Education, training and mobility practical training for the Coimbra Group university administrative staff members

Universidad de Granada | Vicerrectorado de Internacionalización | Administración electrónica |


Coimbra Group Task Force on Education, training and mobility practical training for the Coimbra Group university administrative staff members


The Coimbra Group Task Force on Education, Training and Mobility in cooperation with the University of Groningen, hereby invites member Universities of the Coimbra Group and its partner universities to a 2-day Training Course on:

Presenting students’ achievements - How to issue a Diploma Supplement

  • Date: 1 and 2 December 2011
  • Place: Hampshire Hotel Groningen, Radesingel 50, 9711 EK Groningen (one of the training centres of the University of Groningen)
  • Participation fee: €150 (accommodation not included)

This practical training course is designed for the university administrative staff members who are already working with diplomas and Diploma Supplements or who intend to work with them in the near future. This course intends to be a step-by-step approach on how to issue high-quality

Diploma Supplements for Bachelor, Master, PhD programmes in general and for joint degrees in particular.

Further information at: