International Week at Technische Universität München, Germany (12th-16th May 2014)

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International Week at Technische Universität München, Germany (12th-16th May 2014)


International Week at Technische Universität München, Germany (12th-16th May 2014)

We wanted to remind you that the deadline for applying for our fourth International Week at Technische Universität München (12th-16th May 2014) is fast approaching. If you are interested, you still have a few more days to apply. Our online registration will be open until 28th February.

This year´s International Week is intended for staff working in the field of internship mobility and we invite you to bring your knowledge and experience to Munich.

You will have the opportunity to exchange experiences in the field of internship mobility and to present your institution to our colleagues and students at the International Fair. You will also have the opportunity to meet TUM staff as well as colleagues from other partner universities. While here you will become familiar with TUM and its facilities on all three campuses. Additionally a sightseeing tour will provide you with an impression of the beautiful city of Munich.

For more information please have a look at our preliminary programme:

The number of participants in the International Week is limited; however, we can accept a larger number of participants for the International Fair on Thursday, 15 May 2014. Here you can present your institution to TUM students and meet with colleagues of the TUM departments and International Center.

If you are interested in attending or would like to send a representative, please use our online application for the International Week 2014 at TUM:

You will receive a final confirmation of your application in March 2014.

For our non-European partners we have a limited budget to support accommodation expenses. Please let us know if you require assistance.

Contact details:
Technische Universität München
International Center
International Week - Erasmus Contacts
Arcisstraße 21
80333 München
Tel.: +
Fax: +

Recordamos que estas actividades son susceptibles de ser financiadas en el marco de la Modalidad C de las ayudas de movilidad del PAS, destinadas a la asistencia a jornadas, seminarios, etc. previa invitación de la institución organizadora.