Anna Lindh Foundation: Application for the Call for Proposals 2015 now open

Universidad de Granada | Vicerrectorado de Internacionalización | Administración electrónica |


Anna Lindh Foundation: Application for the Call for Proposals 2015 now open


Members of the National Networks of the Anna Lindh Foundation are invited to apply to the Call for Proposals 2015.

Please note that applicants to this Call for Proposals must be accepted members of an ALF National Network prior to January 20th 2015.

This call aims at supporting projects on the fields of Education for Intercultural Citizenship and Intercultural Artistic Co-Productions.

The ALF supports ONLY multilateral projects built upon a 1+1 partnership formula with at least one partner from a Southern Mediterranean country and at least one partner from a European country (Please check the Guidelines for the list of the 42 countries)

The overall financial envelope for this call is EUR 1,000,000.

Indicative allocation of funds by lot:
Lot 1: Education for Intercultural Citizenship EUR 500,000
Lot 2: Intercultural Artistic Co-Productions EUR 500,000

Minimum grant amount: EUR 25,000 - Maximum grant amount: EUR 35,000.

The number of projects expected to be awarded through this call: between 30-40 projects.

The ALF financial support will not exceed 80% of the total eligible costs of the project and will not be less than 25% of the total eligible cost.

The duration of the project must be between a minimum of 6 consecutive months and a maximum of 12 consecutive months

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