You have not been accepted as an Erasmus student at UGR

University of Granada | Vice-Rectorate for Internationalization | e- administration |


You have not been accepted as an Erasmus student at UGR

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(English version below)

Estimado/a estudiante: Lamentamos informarte de que tu solicitud para cursar estudios en la Universidad de Granada (UGR) ha sido DESESTIMADA por alguno o varios de los siguientes motivos:

  • Caso 1: No aparecen asignaturas en el apartado Propuesta de Acuerdo de Estudios que deseas realizar en la Ugr / Proposed Learning Agreement at the UGR
  • Caso 2: Sí aparecen asignaturas en la Propuesta de Acuerdo de Estudios que deseas realizar en la Ugr / Proposed Learning Agreement at the UGR pero no han sido validadas, rogamos contactes a la mayor brevedada posible directamente con la Facultad/Escuela de la UGR donde ha realizado la solicitud de estudios.
  • Caso 3: Tú mismo nos has informado de tu renuncia a la movilidad.

Los datos de contacto de los diferentes Centros Académicos de la UGR se encuentran disponibles en el siguiente enlace:

Si, por error, realizaste varias solicitudes, consulta todas: Es posible que haya una solicitud aceptada y otra se haya descartado por tratarse de un duplicado.


Dear student, We regret to inform you that your application to study at the UGR has been rejected due to one or some of the following reasons:

  • Case 1: There are no courses included in your Proposed Learning Agreement at the UGR to evaluate (no courses filled out in the application).
  • Case 2: There are courses included in your Proposed Learning Agreement at the UGR but they haven’t been approved, please, contact with the corresponding UGR Faculty/School as soon as possible.
  • Case 3: You have already informed us that you withdraw from your mobility.

The UGR Faculty/School contact information can be found here:

In case you completed several on-line applications by mistake, please check all of them. It is possible that one is approved.