CLeDi: Creative Learning Districts for Inclusion.

University of Granada | Vice-Rectorate for Internationalization | e- administration |


CLeDi: Creative Learning Districts for Inclusion.

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  • Programa: Erasmus+.
  • Acción: KA3.
  • Coordinación: Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca (Italia).
  • Socios: Fondazione Luigi Clerici; Fundacio Privada Trinijove; Consejería de Educación - Junta de Andalucía; Middle East Technical University; Universidad de Granada; Yenilikci Egitimciler Dernegi; Danes Je Nov Dan, Institut Za Druga Vprasanja.
  • Fechas del proyecto: 31/12/18 al 30/12/20 (extended until 30/06/2021).
  • Descripción:

The project focuses on the inclusion of migrants students, promoted via collaborative scientific work in school.

Adopting student centred strategies mediated by ICT, educators and academics will offer an opportunity to deepen the knowledge of relevant scientists of diversified background and country of origin, thus offering examples that all students may be able to refer to. To envision a significant change, the project will involve a number of stakeholders of a same area from students to school leaders, administrators and policy makers, enhancing a process of governance that will lead to the creation of learning communities, actively stimulating interactions with local and national administrators and policy makers.

The main outputs of the project will include a model of intervention that facilitate the definition of school policies for the implementation of creative learning districts, which aim to foster inclusion through an innovative use of ICT. The project will use a platform for resource and experience exchange, collecting the material produced (learning units, ICT resource collection, ect), evaluation tools available in English, Italian, Turk and Spanish, and a final report, where the data collected will be documented and analysed, and conclusions on the model proposed will be made available, as well as suggestions for policy making.The collaborative, interactive aspects of the ICT will be enhanced, combined with a student-centred approach that will be expressly suggested in order to favour student involvement in the school activities and foster the diffusion of new pedagogical approaches.On national level the project will impact the education systems of all partner countries by providing a reliable data and theoretical background for including ICT training for social inclusion of migrants into the National Curriculum and a comprehensive framework that will serve as a reference tool for educators, resource and curriculum developers, researchers and others.