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  • Programa: Erasmus+.
  • Acción: KA2 Partnerships for Cooperation
  • Coordinación: Universidad de Murcia
  • Socios: University of Naples Parthenope (Italia), University of Naples L'Orientale (Italia), Universidad de Zaragoza (España), Universidad de Granada (España), University of Perpignan (Francia), Digio Soluciones Digitales (España), Epcc du Memorial du Camp de Rivesaltes (Francia), In Limbo - Italia Ente del Terzo Settore (Italia).
  • Fechas: 01.10.2022 - 30.09.2025.
  • Descripción:

Freedom of Movement at Play: EU Citizens' Identity and Transnational Discourses:This project seeks to explore discourses of EU citizens living in the participating countries. The aim of this project is to engage HE students and staff across the EU in conversations around FOM for building a more prosperous, peaceful and democratic future in the EU. To do this, the stories of EU citizens about freedom of movement across different countries of the EU are an essential component of the public debate.

Through the dissemination of EU citizens' stories, we will devise sites of engagement where students and staff in the participating countries, as well as the general public across the EU, can hold conversations about the meaning of FOM and the rights of EU citizens in the wake of Brexit and hate speech against the EU project. Populist discourses need to be countered with facts and, need to be confronted with discourses that frame the real, lived experiences of EU citizens enjoying and practicing freedom of movement.