
Universidad de Granada | Vicerrectorado de Internacionalización | Administración electrónica |



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  • Programa: Erasmus+.
  • Acción: KA2 Partnerships for Cooperation
  • Coordinación: University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava
  • Socios: Masaryk University (República Checa), Universidad de Granada (España).
  • Fechas: 01/05/2022 - 30/04/2025.
  • Descripción:

The innovation of the concept and curriculum of doctoral study programs and increasing their effectiveness: The main objective of the project is innovation, namely innovation of the concept and curricula of doctoral study programs and increasing their effectiveness.

We aim to provide PhD students with a sufficient amount of theoretical information and significant development of their practical skills in two areas, so-called hard and soft skills. The project with the proposed duration of 36 months plans to achieve this goal through interconnection of universities with long-term and shorter experience in the implementation of doctoral programs.

By focusing on the unification of methodological procedures in the area of the so-called hard skills and soft skills internationally within the framework of Russian-oriented programs participating organisations aim to prepare study materials that will help the students to successfully complete doctoral programs and prepare them adequately for presenting their work and their results and give them higher chances of building their career.