Language Policy

portada política lingüística UGR

The UGR Language Policy (LP) is an essential part of our Internationalization Strategy and is instrumental to strengthening our students' ability to communicate. The UGR has extensive experience in international relations and we are aware that there is a need to adopt a comprehensive language policy that supports the internationalization process, responding to the challenges this strategy identifies. 

The main approaches of the UGR Governing Team are summarised in the Language Policy, which is accompanied by a pluri-annual action plan with a corresponding timeline. It also includes comments and suggestions provided by the university community, since we understand the LP as a participative (bottom-up) process.

The LP is based fundamentally on two complementary pillars: promoting the Spanish language and fostering the acquisition of foreign languages, and it is aimed at having a positive impact on teaching and learning, research, services, students, and both Academic and Research Staff (PDI) and Administrative and Support Staff (PAS).

What is the status of the English language at the UGR? 

Due to the UGR’s increasingly international scope, English has become the academic lingua franca. The UGR, without forgetting its responsibility towards the Spanish language, recognises this status and is aware that proficiency and academic programmes in English, as well as its promotion as the lingua franca of research, makes the UGR more attractive to international students, teachers and researchers. Likewise, proficiency in English enhances the competitiveness of our graduates in national and international labour markets.

Developing and increasing the range of courses and programmes in English is fundamental to fostering an international learning environment as it will be accompanied by different values, worldviews and methodologies in the framework of teaching and learning.

Other foreign languages at the UGR

The UGR has a long tradition of teaching in foreign languages from diverse geographical and cultural origins. This has always been one of the University’s core strengths, and even more so today because the internationalization of teaching and research requires the continuous development of activities in foreign languages.

Global development and European integration mean that proficiency in foreign languages such as French, German, Spanish, Arabic, Russian and Chinese plays a fundamental role in the academic sphere and in society in general. Moreover, the cultural and language skills of students, researchers and other university staff who have migrated to Spain must be considered as an important resource for the internationalization of the UGR.

Action areas

Promotion of foreign language acquisition 

Excellence in university training requires the acquisition of effective communication skills, both in native and foreign languages, for different purposes: education, research and management. To that end, language training is actively promoted. Over the past number of years, the UGR has implemented numerous courses and educational pathways at the bachelor’s and master’s degree level, as well as various master’s programmes taught in English. 

Accreditation of languages

Generally speaking, students need to demonstrate proficiency in foreign languages in three spheres of academic life: bachelor’s degrees, international mobility programmes and postgraduate studies. 

In addition, the UGR promotes both the acquisition and the accreditation of language skills among the university community. Accreditations of language skills are usually a requirement in competitive examinations and recruitment processes, in some PDI and PAS mobility programmes, and for teaching in foreign languages. 

The Modern Languages Centre (CLM) acts as the main UGR instrument of language accreditation. The Association of Language Centres in Higher Education (ACLES) has officially recognised the CLM B1/B2 certificates for the following languages: French, English, German, Italian and Spanish. In addition, the UGR has designed an Arabic language accreditation exam, which is the first B1 Arabic language accreditation certificate in Europe. A table including all of the certificates and levels officially recognised by the UGR is also available to the university community. 

Research and knowledge transfer in a multilingual environment

The UGR strives to benefit society as a whole through its research and the generation of new knowledge. Therefore, as well as effectively disseminating research results in English and other foreign languages at the international level, the UGR encourages researchers to publish and share knowledge in Spanish, while also establishing and maintaining terminology used by the different academic disciplines in order to interact effectively with society.

Additionally, the University of Granada aligns with and participates in various national and international initiatives for the homogenization of language policy tools and strategies. Some of the most notable ones are:


The University of Granada is aligned and participates in diverse national and international initiatives for the homogenization of language policy tools and strategies, some of the most important of them are the following: 

CEFRL: Common European Framework of Reference for Language skills

Consult the evaluation tables of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR).


In today’s interconnected world, the ability to speak multiple languages and communicate across linguistic divides is a critical skill. Even partial knowledge of more than one language is beneficial. Proficiency in additional languages is a new kind of global literacy. Language learning needs to be expanded for all – young and old.

However, millions of people across the globe are denied the inherent right to maintain, enjoy and develop their languages of identity and community. This injustice needs to be corrected in language policies that support multilingual societies and individuals.

We, the participants of Salzburg Global Seminar’s session on Springboard for Talent: Language Learning and Integration in a Globalized World (December 12-17, 2017 go/586), call for policies that value and uphold multilingualism and language rights. 

You can access to the Statement here (pdf).