Clone of 3Economy+

Action: KA2 Strategic Partnership

Dates: 1-9-17    31-8-20

Coordination: Universidad de Granada (Spain)


Universita Ta Malta (Malta)
Instituto Politécnico de Portalegre (Portugal)


3Economy+ (3E+) is an innovative project in the context of the European Higher Education Area aiming to develop a student-centred methodology and competence-based learning to enhance students’ professional profile in the area of Economics, mainly Business, Tourism and Marketing, and plurilingualism too. It aims to develop and implement innovative learning modules and international internships, as well as the exchanges of excellence students among the three participating universities in the three main subareas of Business, Tourism and Marketing. The project will focus on the development of students’ knowledge and understanding of new trends in Economics from an international perspective. Apart from the focus area, students would develop their competence in two more languages (Spanish, English or Portuguese), as well as their intercultural and professional skills, such as teamwork, problem-solving capacity and leadership.
The main objectives of the proposal will be:
- To promote international excellence students within the fields of Economics.
- To offer students from underviledge or limited European areas the opportunity of acquiring international competeneces and skills related to Economics, more specifically, Business, Marketing and Tourism, improving their aptitudes, attitudes and professional and linguistic skills.
- To improve the employability and labour insertion of these students, not only in the national or European, but also in the global scenario.
The project is consistent between project objectives and activities proposed, summarized in three main blocks:
1) Development of professional skills. An online course based on the collaborative resolution of integrated tasks will be implemented simultaneously in the three participating institutions during the three years. Students will be grouped heterogeneously in interdisciplinary and international teams and will work through a LMS for the resolution of task sets. Teachers will tutor and evaluate the different online activities.
2) Teaching of foreign languages (FL). Being in a highly competitive global plurilingual society, the 21st-century university graduate student is required to act as international professionals, mastering different languages and intercultural business communication. Students will learn two FL through activities design in the LMS (English, Spanish and Portuguese), language tutorials to assist in the resolution of integrated tasks, and through intensive scholarship courses in the different intensive programmes. Erasmus exchanges will be promoted for those students.
3) International internship. During the final year the students will be offered external practices among the consortium through the Erasmus (internship) programme. The consortium will offer as many places as students.
Products resulting from the project include: study-analysis of Economical activities in the three regions from an international perspective (IO1),creation of CV template for the three subareas of study labor market (IO2),compillation of short video lectures uploaded in an institutional repository with open-access (IO3),compillation of 18 economic case study from an international perspective (IO4), design of online instructional material (IO5),creation of a plurilingual terminology glossary (IO6),publication of best economic practices (IO7). Besides 3 intensive programmes (IPs), one in each of the participating partner, and intenational interships will be organised to enrich students' professional skills and competences.
High-quality blended-learning programme will be provided through Moodle, so that students are involved in integrated tasks to promote competencial knowledge and to develop skills in international economics. The proposal is targeted to promote synergies between different fields of education, training and youth. The project will encourage regional cooperation within the consortium geographical areas, characterised by their issolation and less priviledged economic development, thus it will promote integration and international cooperation among universities and stakeholders; special emphasis is done in the fact that formal learning is not the only key for the creation of employment and for the progress of the competitiveness of Europe. The 3Economy+ project brings together experts in each of the areas, besides being supported by the experience of the three universities, companies and government agencies in each of the regions in the implementation of international projects.The project presents the quality control measures to ensure feasibility and quality required in its management, budget and schedule. The distribution of responsibilities and tasks demonstrates commitment and active contribution of all participating organisations. The proposal brings added value at EU level as a single country would not attain results, but the success of the project is linked to the collaboration and exchange among participants.