Clone of Master Degree in Climate Change, Agriculture and Sustainable Rural Development (MACCARD)

Dates: 15/1/20    14/1/23

Coordination: Università degli Studi di Sassari (Italy)


Universidad Nacional de Jaen (Spain)
Universidad Regional Amazonica Ikiam (Ecuador)
Universidad del Azuay (Ecuador)
Universidad de Granada (Spain)
Universidad Nacional Toribio Rodriguez de Mendoza de Amazonas (Peru)


MACCARD project aims at improving the higher education training offer on urgent issues common to two Latin American neighboring countries, Ecuador and Peru, by implementing an interuniversity Master in Climate Change, Agriculture and rural Sustainable Development in the Universities of Toribio Rodriguez de Mendoza (UNTRM) and the National University of Jaen (UNJ) in Peru, the Regional University of Amazon (IKIAM) and University of Azuay (UAZUAY) in Ecuador, while enhancing the quality of teaching and contributing to strengthen cross border cooperation between Ecuador and Peru HEIs and between them and EU Programme countries.The project involves the University of Sassari (UNISS, IT) as coordinator and Granada University (UGr, ES) as European Programme Country HEI. A new Master on climate change with a focus on Agriculture and Sustainable development , in each local University both in Ecuador and Peru, contributes to build the necessary expertise and develop professionals able to conduct studies and to plan and implement reliable measures to respond to climate change challenges and threatens on crucial sectors. The project will be developed carrying out the following steps: 1) An updated need assessment of the curricula of the involved Latin American Universities related to Climate change, Agriculture and Rural Sustainable Development(CCARSD) 2) Depending on the results of the previous step, a new Master Degree on CCARSD will be defined 3) a new e learning environment will be implemented and new e learning materials will be created by EU HEIs professors and uploaded in the interactive e learning platform 4) 32 local teachers will be involved in an active training where they will learn new teaching methodologies in the field of CCARSD to be further applied in the new Master Degree 5) which will be implemented in each of the local University addressing 60 students. Master' students and teachers will be involved in exchange and mobility activities.