Master Erasmus Mundus «Migrations transnationales» (MITRA)

Action: KA1 Student and staff mobility in Joint Master Degrees

Dates: 31/10/18    30/10/24

Coordination: Université de Lille (France)


Universitatea Babes Bolyai (Romania)
University College Cork - National University of Ireland, Cork (Ireland)
Universite Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium)
Universidad de Granada (Spain)
Uniwersytet Wroclawski (Poland)
Szegedi Tudomanyegyetem (Hungary)


MITRA is a bi-lingual interdisciplinary MA programme in Social Sciences meant to respond to the acute needs of expertise triggered by contemporary migration processes. MITRA aims at studying the transnational dimension of migration and its impact on contemporary changing societies. It is proposed by a consortium comprising seven (7) universities: University of Lille (France), Free University of Brussels (Belgium), Babeş-Bolyai University (Romania), University of Wroclaw (Poland), University College Cork (Ireland), University of Szeged (Hungary), University of Granada (Spain); and three (3) associated universities: University Cheikh Anta Diop (Senegal), Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) and University of the Aegean (Greece).MITRA prepares researchers specialized in migrations (leads to further doctoral studies), analysts of public policy on migration and integration (experts in international or territorial organizations) and intercultural mediators leading projects in the associative sector.The first year of the Master is structured in two mobility tracks :- The francophone track “Identities, Integration and Conflicts” is based on political sciences, political sociology and European studies. It takes place in Lille and Cluj-Napoca.- The Anglophone track “Migrations and Cultural Diversity” emphasizes particularly sociology of culture and communication. It takes place at ULB (Université Libre de Bruxelles) and Wroclaw. The first semester provides an introduction to the different social sciences that constitute the interdisciplinary bedrock of the master (sociology, social sciences, geography, history, social psychology, sociolinguistic and Law). The second semester focuses in one of the two major disciplines of the Master: Political Science or Sociology. During the third semester, students conduct empirical research (field work or case study) and an internship. MITRA is designed to carry out field research on migrations in Central and Eastern Europe, the Eastern Mediterranean, West Africa and Brazil. The fourth semester is devoted to writing the research master thesis.At the end of the training, the MITRA graduate will have acquired the formal knowledge (theoretical and methodological) necessary for the analysis of migratory phenomena and public policies of hosting and integration, intercultural competences that will enable him/her to intervene as mediator in situations of cultural diversity, language skills and ability to design and carry out projects in the associative world.