Reading Communities under the Erasmus+ programme (READCOM)

Action: KA2 Strategic Partnership

Dates: 1-9-19    31-8-22

Coordinación: Universidad de Málaga (Spain)


Institouto Technologias Ypologistonkai Ekdoseon Diofantos (Greece)
Centro Machiavelli S.R.L. (Italy)
The Manchester Metropolitan University (UK)
Associação Jardim Escola João De Deus (Portugal)
Ceip Rosa de Gálvez (Spain)
Istituto Comprensivo Statale Giovannixxiii (Italy)
Universidad de Granada (Spain)                   


This project addresses several objectives in the Europe 2020 strategy for economic growth. First of all, improving home reading and school/home liaison will help ensure continued participation in education. This will contribute to a reduction in premature dropout, meeting the EU's goal of reducing it to less than 10%. Moreover, greater participation in reading will lead to a better-qualified workforce, helping the EU meet its university assistance goals (40% of young people aged 30 to 34) and employment (75% of those 20 to 64 years old). In this context, Reading Communities will analyse the habits and attitudes of reading that families have with their children in their mother tongue and in another language of different European countries: Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain and United Kingdom, as well as teachers ' teaching practices. The goal is to raise awareness among families and schools and university professors and students On the importance of reading and providing resources to improve reading practices at home and at school.

The consortium consists of 8 institutions with a relevant and different experience in the field of education, with adequate academic and pedagogical training and equipped with the most appropriate technical/methodological the activities. The project is experience to ensure an effective implementation of as it consists of three universities, two schools, a school association and two specialized training centers, and one on Language teaching and another in new technology and creation of educational applications It has also taken into account the need to incorporate partners with ample experience to accompany and advise a new partner to know and integrate the actions taken and become aware of its relevance, as is the case of the Rosa de Gálvez CEIP.

After the analysis of the needs by which the partners of this Project are coordinated, it has been intended to relate the objectives of the Project (realistic and clear) with the work. As a result, three intellectual products will be created: IO1 "Curriculum narratives summary", IO2 "Reading Education Toolkit" and IO3 “Read Animation APP".
It is intended to support people to acquire and develop core skills and key competencies; addressing diversity, promoting social inclusion, as well as fencourage pedagogy and innovative methods for teaching and learning, in our case, through reading, being able to successfully address challenges in learning environments related to the equity, diversity and inclusiveness. Enhancing the social and educational value through our project.

All this is conducive to the reinforcement of the teaching profiles of our while promoting a holistic approach to the teaching and language learning. It is important to be aware of the importance of dealing with the early school dropout and disadvantaged situations. Also, through the events In addition to the dissemination of intellectual products, the strengthen cooperation with regional authorities to promote the development of the education system.

On the other hand, in favour of quality in the design and execution of the project, we will look for measures of analysis, evaluation and control of the process, having clearly defined the phases of the project, to give coherence to objectives in relation to the activities, through a viable methodology. For instance, all the products will be monitored and three learning activities will be carried out in order to put them into practice and make the necessary improvements.

With regard to the sustainability of the project, it will go beyond its duration thanks to the creation of networks of educational centers through eTwinning and the participation of associate partners (parent associations, teacher training centers, other universities, numerous schools, education inspectors and administrative personnel, authorities). In this way, the indirect participants would surpass the 1000 people without counting the impact that each one of them would generate in their places of work and their scope of action.

In short, this project tries to make a dream come true: to improve reading habits at home and at school so that all children can have the same opportunities in the future. With great enthusiasm and work, this consortium hopes to contribute with Europe 2020 strategy for social growth.