Strengthening of National Research Capacity on Policy, Conflict Resolution, and Reconciliation (PEACE)

Action: KA2 Capacity Building

Dates: 15/11/18    14/11/21

Coordination: Arab American University in Jenin (Palestine)


Hebron University (Palestine)
The Provost, Fellows, Foundation Scholars, and other members of Board, of the College of the Holy and Undivided Trinity of Queen Elizabeth near Dublin (Ireland)
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena (Germany)
The Islamic University Gaza (Palestine)
Universidad de Granada (Spain)


Conflict is one of the most important development challenges facing the world today . Reports have clearly demonstrated that conflict is a key barrier to human development and prosperity. In Palestine, a generation has passed since the signing of Oslo agreement between Palestine and Israel. However, the conflict still exists in a frustrating and vicious cycle that must be broken, or otherwise the development potential of future generations will continue to be restrained. The higher education system plays a vital role in societies that experience conflict situations . Indeed, through academic research, the higher education system can bridge the gap between civil society and decision makers. In addition, it can provide opportunities to analyze and adjust policies that have impact on society reconciliation. As more initiatives are undertaken to analyze conflict and reconciliation interventions in the Middle East, Palestine provides a fertile ground for research and development activities. Therefore, academic research in conflict-resolution & reconciliation shall be strengthened and multidisciplinary research should be promoted (e.g. conflict resolution, political science, law). Indeed, multidisciplinary academic research will definitely support decision and policy makers in Palestine in finding more constructive ways of addressing difficult, long-term, and intractable conflicts. However, this can only be achieved by bringing together researchers and political strategists from Palestine and Europe, including international conflict resolution institutes. Greater collaboration between different parties is called for because sharing of experience and bringing people together will lead to an improved understanding of the conflict dynamics, along with better methods for confronting and managing the conflict.