Government of Spain: mandatory formalities for foreigners.

Trámites de Extranjería

Registration at the Immigration Office in Granada:

Citizens of a member state of the European Union, or a country belonging to the Schengen area who are going to reside in the territory of the Spanish State for a period of more than 90 days, must register in the Central Register of Foreigners. This Office will issue them a certificate of registration as an EU citizen showing their NIE: Número de Identificación de Extranjero (Foreigner's Identification Number). This certificate will allow them to prove their right of residence in Spanish territory.

Erasmus students must also complete this procedure

Documentation required for registration:

Warning: in general, copies of the documents must be provided and the originals must be shown at the time of application.

  • Application form in official model .pdf (EX-18).

  • Valid passport or identity card. In caseof expiry, you must provide a copy of the passport or ID and the renewal application. 

  • OFFICIAL ERASMUS STUDENT CREDENTIAL (issued by the UGR or by your home university).

  • Photocopy of the European Health Insurance Card or the medical insurance you have.

  • Proof of payment of the fee.

The procedure will be as follows:

Remember to come to your appointment with ALL documents prepared.

  • Place of submission:

Registration in the Central Register of Foreigners in Granada is done at the Immigration Office located at C/ San Agapito, number 2.

To make an appointment, visit this link. After selecting the province of Granada and accepting, select the Foreigners Office in Granada, in Calle San Agapito 2 and go to TRÁMITES POLICÍA NACIONAL – CERTIFICADO DE REGISTRO DE CIUDADANO DE LA UE. In case you encounter difficulty in requesting your appointment you can send a request through the buzón de consulta de extranjería (extranjería consultation mailbox). On the section where you have to select the office, select "Granada" and in the section "consultas" select “consultas sobre cita previa”.

  • Deadline for submission:

Three months from the date of entry in Spain..

  • Tax (12€):

-It must be paid at the bank prior to the issuance of the registration certificate. You must complete this form Tax 790 ticking the certificado de registro de residente comunitario (registration certificate for EU citizens) box. Print it out and pay the corresponding fees at a bank, this fee can be paid at some ATMs, as not all banks allow this fee to be paid over the counter.

  • Issuance of the registration certificate:

Once you have paid the tax and hand in your documents you will receive a registration certificate, stating your name, nationality, address, foreign identity number/número de identidad de extranjero (NIE) and date of registration.

More information about the procedure here.


In this case the University will be in charge of the communicating to the corresponding Foreigners Office the details of the non-EU students coming from EU Universities within the framework of EU mobility programmes like Erasmus+. That means that non-EU students coming from EU Universities are exempt of asking for a visa.

Check here the regulations


After receiving the acceptance letter to the University of Granada in order for us to proceed to the communication, we need you to send us scanned in PDF format by e-mail to :

  • Your passport

  • Your residence permit in the EU country where you are studying (both sides). It needs to be fully valid for the whole period of your stay at University of Granada.

  • And fill in this form where, among other things, you are required to provide your address and telephone number in Granada.

foto pasaporte con sellos

In order to enter Spain and remain as a student, you must apply for a study visa from the Spanish Diplomatic Mission or Consular Office in your country or region of residence.

The minimum documents needed to apply for your study visa are:

  • Passport.

  • Admission or pre-registration letter for an officially-recognised teaching or scientific centre.

  • Study plan.

  • Health insurance.

  • Criminal record certificate issued by the relevant authorities of your home country or country of residence.

  • Proof of sufficient economic means to cover your studies and your stay.

If the visa you have obtained for entry into Spain is for less than 180 days, you do not have to go to the Immigration Office. You will notice that on your visa, the Spanish diplomatic mission will have given you the NIE number (Número de Identificación de Extranjero), so your registration is already done. When you are asked for the NIE for any procedure in Spain, you will be able to give that number.


Once in Spain, if your study period is going to be for more than 6 months, you must apply for a Foreigner Identity Card (TIE).

If the visa you have obtained is a long term visa, that is, for more than 180 days, then you will have to request an appointment online at the immigration office in Granada to obtain your residence card or TIE (Tarjeta de Identidad de Extranjero), where your NIE (número de Identificación de Extranjero) will be printed.

For this, you should go to the Immigration Office within 30 days of having entered Spain. To apply for an appointment visit this link. Select the province (Granada) and choose the option: POLICÍA-TOMA DE HUELLAS (Expedición de tarjeta). Present the following documents:

  • Duly completed and signed application form: EX-17.

  • Passport and visa: original and 2 photocopies of the pages with your passport number, visa and the entry stamp.

  • A copy of your insurance policy.

  • One recent passport-size colour photo on a white background.

  • OFFICIAL MOBILITY STUDENT CREDENTIAL (issued by the UGR) and enrolment document.

  • Proof of payment of the corresponding fee, which you will find in the following link: Tasa 790 (16.08€). You must select the TIE option “que documenta la primera concesión de la autorización de residencia temporal”. You must print it, take it to any bank and pay the fee in cash.

Keep safely the proof of submission which you will be issued because it serves as a provisional residence card. The actual card will arrive approximately in one month and you will have to pick up your TIE  at the same Office. You will have to make a new appointment to be attended: Select the province (Granada) and chose the option: POLICÍA-RECOGIDA DE TARJETA DE IDENTIDAD DE EXTRANJERO TIE.

foto visa aprobada

If the duration of your studies is for more than one year, you must apply for and obtain, an extension of your residence permit. In order to do this, the application must be made at least sixty days before the permit expires. If your permit expires, your application will be rejected and you will have to apply for a new visa.

  • Extension application form in duplicate..

  • Copy of your previous identity card.

  • Passport.

  • Health insurance (including repatriation clause)

  • Proof of sufficient financial means to cover the costs of the stay and return to your country and, if applicable, those of the family members (scholarships, family income, etc.).

  • Accreditation that you are entitled to continue your studies (academic certificate).

Once the authorization has been granted, you have one month to apply for your new Foreigner Identity Card. 

To apply for an appointment visit this link

Information sheet of the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration

  • Location: C/ San Agapito, número 2, código postal 18013, de Granada.

  • Teléfonos de contacto: (+34) 958 909 408.

  • Opening hours: Monday to Thursday, from 9h to 17:30h. Friday, from 9h to 14h.

To apply for an appointment visit this link

Note: The UGR Vice-Rectorate for Internationalization cannot be held responsible for any modifications that may be introduced in Spanish legislation to this effect after this information has been published. Therefore the University of Granada recommends students to duly consult their obligations concerning residence in Spain at the  Immigration Office in Granada upon arrival, or on the Ministry website or with the Spanish Consulate before arrival.

Notwithstanding, our Office will continually endeavour to collate all new information and publish it accordingly via our usual communication channels.

Nota: El Vicerrectorado de Internacionalización de la Universidad de Granada no se hace responsable de las posibles modificaciones que se puedan producir en la legislación española al respecto una vez publicada esta información. Por lo tanto la Universidad de Granada recomienda a los estudiantes que consulten debidamente sus obligaciones relacionadas con su residencia en España en la Oficina de Extranjeros una vez en Granada, en la web del Ministerio de Interior o en los Consulados previamente a su llegada. Notwithstanding, our Office will continually endeavour to collate all new information and publish it accordingly via our usual communication channels.

Spanish Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migrations (MISSM)