
The overall goal of UGRemprendedora is to foster entrepreneurship and innovation at the UGR, with a view to making significant socio-economic contributions to our community and to society. Among UGRemprendedora’s specific aims are the improvement of students’ employability through self-employment initiatives and entrepreneurship.

The following are just some of the activities UGRemprendedora conducts to foster entrepreneurship:

  • the "Talento Emprendedor" and "UGRemprendedora" competitions; "Talento Business Plan" Programme; UGR Social Entrepreneurship Laboratory,;
  • workshops on the management of entrepreneurial projects;
  • the UGR Entrepreneurship Forum, Entrepreneurship Sessions at Faculties and Schools, networking events;
  • the BREAKER Centre for Entrepreneurship;
  • competitions;
  • grants and scholarships.



Our Employment and Work Placement Office (CPEP) provides the following services: career advice in one-to-one sessions; internships at companies, organisations, and public bodies (including the UGR); international internships (via Erasmus+ traineeships and the UGR Transnational Internship Fund); a job offer database; professional development workshops and resources; career fairs and open days; the UGR Employment Forum; and mock interview sessions (available online). 

Via the UGR Empleo 2.0 website you can subscribe to receive emails notifying you of job offers, mobility opportunities, and internships, tailored to meet your specific needs and areas of interest.

UGR MediaLab acts as a meeting point for research, analysis, and the dissemination of opportunities generated by digital technologies in the areas of culture and society. It strives to serve as an open laboratory for the generation of proposals at the University and in society, as a research hub, and as an experimental space for exploring creativity and new ways of generating knowledge in digital societies. The Lab places special emphasis on prototyping and open knowledge (a superset encompassing the concepts of open data, content and access). It focuses on the strategic areas of digital society, digital humanities and digital science.

If you are developing or have developed research activities and wish to share your results, you can discuss them on UGR RadioLab programmes and podcasts. Anyone can send a proposal to make a radio programme with UGR RadioLab, provided the topic is related to the digital sphere (i.e. to the strategic lines endorsed by UGR MediaLab). Moreover, you can listen to the podcasts about other students’ and researchers’ most relevant research activities on several online platforms.