
Sports Centre (CAD)

The UGR’s Sports Centre (CAD) offers a comprehensive range of sports and activities, promoting the physical and mental wellbeing of our university community and the general public. Whether you are a student, researcher, staff member, or member of the public, participating as it is a great way to relieve stress, meet new people, and take up exciting new hobbies.

What sports and activities does the CAD offer?

The CAD offers sports and activities in seven main categories: racket sports, body and mind, fitness, dance, swimming and water sports, mountain sports, a programme for over 50s, and activities such as fencing, archery, horse riding and taekwondo. As well as these sports courses, the CAD also runs an extensive range of competitions and tournaments throughout the year.

How can I make use of the CAD?

Once you have officially enrolled at the UGR and obtained your access credentials for your “Acceso Identificado” student account, you can apply to take part in CAD courses by clicking “Cursos y alta deportiva”. Alternatively, you can sign up in person.

If you sign up to take a course, you can complete the corresponding payment with a debit or credit card via the "Pagos UGR" section of your "Acceso Identificado" student account.