
Through UGR Solidaria, the University provides the student body with a broad range of volunteering opportunities. A number of faculties and departments also encourage the university community to participate in volunteering activities related to their field of study.


UGR Solidaria is focused on connecting the University community with society through volunteering initiatives developed by members of the UGR or in collaboration with local NGOs. It carries out training activities, awareness-raising projects and supports research initiatives.

You can participate as a volunteer with any of the NGOs that cooperate with UGR Solidaria in Granada, Ceuta or Melilla. A comprehensive list of these NGOs is available on their website.

The Centre for Development Cooperation Initiatives (CICODE) was set up by the University in order to aid those countries and sectors in society most in need of assistance. Its main objectives are to improve and promote interuniversity relations, encourage the participation of the UGR community in development and cooperation initiatives, and develop programmes to tackle social inequality. The CICODE regularly organises free courses related to awareness raising and development education.

The Environmental Education and Participation Programme for the University of Granada (Ecocampus Granada) is a pioneering initiative that takes place throughout Andalusian universities every year, offering a wide range of volunteering opportunities. One of its key aims is to increase and improve student participation in green issues and inspire them to forge long-term connections with the emerging and increasingly important eco-entrepreneurship sector.

The Office for Quality of Life and Ageing runs programmes in health promotion and physical activity aimed at members of the university community who are over 50 as well as pensioners. These activities are developed through specific actions managed by the Sports Centre (CAD) and carried out in coordination with students from the Centre for Open Learning for Seniors and the Faculty of Sport Sciences. If you would like to volunteer to take part in these activities, please contact: campusaludable@ugr.es