Welfare and support services

The Student Support Service (SAE) is committed to helping you resolve academic and administrative issues that can arise during your studies. Among other actions, it works to:

  • Improve accessibility for students with disabilities.
  • Provide information on accommodation options.
  • Inform students about their rights.
  • Provide personalised guidance on financial support, grants, and resources.
  • Give legal advice (on academic matters, calls, rental contracts, etc.).
  • Manage national mobility programmes.


The Educational Psychology Office (GPP) will provide you with guidance and counselling on personal, academic and professional matters:

  • Personal counselling and advice: support for those experiencing personal difficulties that might affect their academic performance, mood, or relationships with others.
  • Academic guidance: support for those finding it difficult to keep up with their studies due to time constraints, time management problems, or issues with study techniques. 
  • Professional guidance: support for those finding it difficult to decide on a specific career path.

The GPP also offers training and orientation courses on study techniques and public speaking. In order to make use of the GPP’s services, you must visit the office in person and book an appointment.


The Secretariat for Inclusion and Diversity offers a wide variety of support services to students with disabilities, including FM amplification equipment; support teachers/tutors; intern assistants; adapted exams (braille, magnified text, alternative formats, time extensions, etc.); accessible transport and financial assistance for transport; adapted furniture and classroom/exam spaces; financial assistance for educational materials; sign language interpreting; and adapted learning materials, among others. Please check the “Accessibility” section of this website for further information.



The Health Guidance Office (CEJOS) is a service run by the Vice-Rectorate for Student Services and Employability together with the Spanish League for Education and Popular Culture (LEECP). It aims to:

  • Provide information on sexuality and sexual health in an anonymous, confidential and objective way, incorporating a gender perspective.
  • Raise awareness among the university community on gender equality, combating sexist behaviour.
  • Prevent gender-based violence through the identification of warning signs in relationships.

This service offers face-to-face support for individuals, couples and groups; a helpline; assistance via email and social media; pregnancy tests, HIV testing, free condoms and lubricants; and educational activities (courses and workshops on sexuality from a gender perspective, on health education, training for those working in HIV prevention, etc.).