Wi-Fi access

eduroam – Worldwide Education Roaming for Research & Education

Eduroam (education roaming) is the secure, world-wide roaming access service developed for the international research and education community. It is now employed by thousands of institutions in over 100 territories, including the University of Granada. It enables students, researchers and staff from participating universities to obtain high-speed and secure internet connectivity while on campus and when visiting other educational institutions. The service is free of charge for users.

Eduroam employs the most secure encryption and authentication standards currently in existence, so it is much more secure than typical commercial hotspots.

You can consult this interactive map to view all of the participating countries using eduroam. Currently, more than 10,000 eduroam hotspots are available at universities, research centres, academies, schools and other educational institutions. As eduroam grows, more and more hotspots are appearing in places such as libraries, museums and other public spaces such as railway stations and coffee shops.

In order to use eduroam, you first need to install it on your laptop, mobile phone or tablet. Eduroam’s secure and privacy-preserving technology means that there is no need to enter usernames and passwords via potentially insecure web browsers. Your device will identify a valid eduroam access point and log in automatically. Your password is never shared with any of the access points.

Wherever you see "eduroam" appear in your list of Wi-Fi networks, you can go online.

Visit the eduroam Configuration Assistant Tool (CAT) and click the large blue button that says “click here to download your eduroam installer”, and then select the University of Granada and the operating system of your device.

You will need to enter your UGR email address and password (e.g. xxxxxx@correo.ugr.es).

For the majority of operating systems, the eduroam configuration process can be completed automatically using the eduroam installer.

Although we strongly recommend that you connect to the eduroam network, you can also connect to the UGR Wireless Campus Network (CVI-UGR).

When you attempt to access any web address using this network, you will automatically be requested to enter your username and password (your UGR email xxx@correo.ugr.es and corresponding password). This network only allows you to consult websites. Please also bear in mind that this network is not secure, unless you only visit websites that employ the HTTPS protocol or use a VPN. If using this network, ensure that you write https:// in the url bar when accessing your email account.

For more detailed information on compatible devices, configurations, and contact details for requesting support, visit the following CSIRC website: