International Credit Mobility: a New Challenge in the Mediterranean Region (ICMED)

Action: KA2 Capacity Building

Dates: 15/10/17    14/4/20

Coordination: University of Padova (Italy)


Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna (Italy)

Universidad de Granada (Spain)

Universite de Poitiers (France)

Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza Din Iasi (Romania)

Cardiff Metropolitan University (UK)

Universite des Sciences et de la Technologie d’Oran (Algeria)

Universite de Biskra (Algeria)

Universite Abdelmalek Essaadi Tetouan  (Morocco)

Universite Hassan 1er Settat (Morocco)

Universite de Gafsa (Tunisia)

University of Monastir (Tunisia)

Coimbra Group Asbl. (Bélgica)

UNIMED – Mediterranean Universities Union (Italy)

Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (Belgium, Associated partner)

Association of Arab Universities (Jordan, Associated partner)


Internationalization in the MENA region is a quite complex undertaking and international mobility has become a key tool to improve the quality of Higher Education, thus addressing the regional need for a strong skills base to uphold economic and social development. Within this framework, Erasmus+ and its new International Credit Mobility (ICM) Scheme represent a new challenge for MENA governments and HEIs, who feel the need to share information and best practices to develop an innovative, effective and efficient management of ICM.ICMED precisely contributes to building Partner countries’ HEIs capacity in the field of international relations, with a specific focus on E+ ICM, thus reinforcing EU partners cooperation in the region and improving the quality of mobility flows under KA107. More specifically, the project aims at strengthening partner HEIs staff capacity to deal with ICM & International Mobility in general, through the implementation of a comprehensive Training Programme to be held in the region. First, a Consultation Process will be carried out so as to map the current status of ICM implementation at institutional and regional level. Based on its results, 4 training weeks, as well as a comprehensive International Mobility Toolkit, will be developed. A set of Policy Briefs addressing local authorities and the EC will also be prepared with the aim to contribute to the discussion on the future generation of ICM programmes (E+ / national) through the project inputs and recommendations. Outputs and results will be disseminated and multiplied during the Train-the-Trainers event and the Final Conference. At local level, MENA HEIs will benefit from the project results, exploiting achieved skills and establishing new privileged cooperation forms with EU and other African HEIs; at national & EU level, local NEOs & the EC will be able to reflect on ICM management and implementation as well as on its potential revision and restructuring in the MENA region.