Vice-Rectorate for Internationalization

The University of Granada has a long tradition of international academic cooperation, a tradition that finds its continuity today in a firm commitment to deepen the process of internationalization of study, teaching, research and management of the institution. This commitment is reflected in our internationalization strategy, approved by the Governing Council on January 31, 2017, which includes the justification and objective of our international activity and our commitment to the search for solutions to the great global social challenges, the objectives of sustainable development, the globalization of the economy, the multiculturalism of our society and the relevance of knowledge.


Most relevant facts about the University of Granada
Aspects Data
Founded in 1531
Number of students Más de 57.000
Number of Campuses 7
Undergraduate studies More than 90 degrees
Official master's degrees More than 140 degrees
Doctoral Programmes 28 programmes
Complementary Training More than 100 specialization courses and specific programmes

The University of Granada has an extensive and fruitful international experience and for years has been at the forefront of Europe in students, teachers and administrative staff mobility. In recognition of its continued work in this area, the University of Granada has been awarded the Gold Star of the Erasmus Program. We have a wide range of international mobility opportunities for the university community on the five continents, receiving students, teachers and administrative staff from all of them. We currently offer more than fifty international double, multiple or joint degrees and have initiated teaching experiences in English to enrich the academic offer for local and international students. About 27% of the students enrolled in our postgraduate programmes come from other countries.


We have an extensive network of bilateral and multilateral alliances, with more than 800 active international cooperation agreements. We are leaders of important international university networks, such as the Coimbra Group, the  Latin American University Association of Postgraduate Studies (AUIP) or the Tordesillas Group. We enjoy a high level of success and participation in international academic cooperation projects. The University of Granada is the first Spanish university to provide official development aid and we carry out an important activity of training and institutional strengthening of partner universities in regions with a low human development index. We manage a dozen Spanish language and culture centers abroad. We offer reception and assistance services for visiting researchers through the International Welcome Centre, as well as Spanish language and culture courses through our internationally renowned Modern Languages Centre (CLM). In addition, the University of Granada co-manages with Peking University the Confucius Institute of Granada, whose main objective is to promote the study of Chinese language and culture. The Institute is recognized as a center of excellence by the National Office for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language (Hanban) of the Chinese Government and this year celebrates the tenth anniversary of its creation. The University of Granada is also home to the only Center for Slavic Cultures, a non-profit institution, created in 2015.


For the University of Granada, the internationalization of higher education is not an end in itself, but an instrument to achieve in the most effective way the objective of training our students to work in a globalized environment, both locally and internationally, as well as to educate them as critical, ethical, responsible people and as social actors in the world. The internationalization of research seeks excellence in results and to multiply the social impact of our activity. Both processes converge to increase the visibility and prestige of the University of Granada and to promote our essential values. Finally, the international activity of the University of Granada aims to contribute to the capacity building and strengthening of university systems in developing countries through cooperative actions with our partners.


mapa de RRII UGR



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Service Charter (in Spanish)

Academic and management report (in Spanish)

Cerfication ISO:9001