Internships at the UGR

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What kind of internships are available?

The UGR offers opportunities for internships in its different services, units, laboratories, etc.

However, there is an internal regulation for the admission of interns which specifies the requirements and conditions for the development of this type of internship:



According to the Director’s Office Resolution, internships must be carried out under one of the following situations:

  • Bilateral agreement in force between the international student's University of Origin and the UGR.
  • Participation of the student in a national or international program in which the UGR participates. (For example the Erasmus Program).
  • Participation of the student in a national or international project in which the UGR participates.


  • Clinical internships in hospitals are expressly excluded from this procedure.
  • The internship, as a general rule, is incompatible with the enrollment of undergraduate or graduate courses.
  • Research stays within undergraduate and master's degree programs are included in this procedure. For doctoral research stays, you should contact first to register with (e-mail: ), and then with the International Welcome Centre of the UGR (e-mail: @email).
  • Centers, services and units of the University of Granada.
  • The Health Sciences area of the University of Granada does not manage clinical rotations within the internship program. Since hospitals are considered autonomous entities, you should contact directly with the doctor/hospital of your interest. It is highly recommended to have a good command of the Spanish language.

1. Find the most suitable unit to carry out the internship (unit that develops activities related to your degree). Through the UGR website you can learn about the developed in the different services and units as well as their contact e-mail addresses.

2. Contact the unit and agree on the basic conditions for the internship. Present your proposal by e-mail and indicate: your name, your institution and country of origin, the program, project and/or agreement that covers the internship. It is important to specify the duration and period of the internship. It is very convenient that you describe your motivation and your expectations regarding the internship to be developed. If you wish, you may attach a brief CV indicating your knowledge and skills.

  • With this proposal, the unit decides whether to accept you as an intern or not.
  • If you are accepted, you will have to agree by e-mail on the general conditions of the internship: duration, time of the internship, etc.

We recommend to start this procedure about 3 months before the beginning of the internship.

3. The next step is to request official authorization to carry out an internship at the UGR.

To do so, you will complete this online form, entering your personal and internship data.

At this stage of the online application, you will be asked to upload the following documentation:

  1. Your valid identity document.
  2. Agreement of the program/project and/or letter of endorsement from the home institution, through which you are doing the internship.
  3. Letter of invitation/acceptance from the UGR supervisor of your host unit.
  4. Mandatory insurance.

Important: If your nationality is from a non-EU country, it is mandatory to APPLY FOR A VISA (if required for entry to Spain from your country of origin and in any case, if your stay exceeds 90 days).

Before your arrival, you must make a series of arrangements with the UGR so that you can apply for your visa at the Spanish consulate nearest to your home. The University of Granada, through the Vice-Rectorate for International Relations, must manage the initial authorization of your internship at the Immigration Office in Granada.

If this is your case, you should prepare all the documentation well in advance, at least 45 days before the beginning of your stay at the UGR. For more information about this procedure, please contact us at @email.

Once you have submitted this form, you must wait for:

  • Confirmation of acceptance from the unit or service that you have applied to.(It is validated and filled in by the internship student's supervisor).
  • Approval from the Vice-Rectorate for Internationalization if you are an international student or from the Vice-Rectorate for Student Services and Employability if you are a national student. In this phase, UGR staff will verify that the conditions agreed on for your internship comply with the provisions of the programme or agreement within which it will take place. If any irregularity is detected in your application, staff from the Vice-Rectorate will contact you by email.

4. After approval of the online application, you will receive a letter of acceptance signed by the Director’s Office of the University of Granada. This letter will establish the basic conditions for the internship. These conditions cannot be changed at a later date. Your final admission will also be communicated to your host unit.

5. From this moment on, you will be sent an email with your access codes to the Virtual Office, credentials that will give you access to the UGR services (canteens and libraries). Since international internship students are not enrolled, they do not have access to the TUI card, but with the credentials they will be able to use the university services. If students need access to specific services of the buildings where they carry out their internships, they should be given access from the Secretary's Office of the Service/Department/Faculty.

6. Upon arrival at the University of Granada, you must present yourself at your host unit.

In case you need a Certificate of Arrival/End of Stay Certificate, your UGR supervisor must sign it for you.

If you have any questions or concerns, you can come to the International Relations Office at Complejo Triunfo, or send us an email to or call us at +34958241000 ext. 20758.